Tuesday, March 1, 2022



NEWARK, OH —Using their latest redistricting scheme, the Ohio GOP is attempting to eliminate primary competition from Gregory S. Brewer’s campaign for the state senate seat in the 31st Ohio Senate District. Mr. Brewer is continuing his campaign pending the outcome of the Ohio Supreme Court response to the redistricting plan. A longtime Licking County resident and businessman, Mr. Brewer publicly announced his bid for the Ohio senate district just two weeks ago.


District 31 currently includes Mr. Brewer’s family home in Hebron, Ohio. The new redistricting plan, proposed by the Ohio Redistricting Commission and revealed to the public on Feb. 24, moved the district line just north of Hebron. District 31 currently consists of Licking, Coshocton, Perry and Tuscarawas Counties, along with portions of Holmes County. Under the new plan, Hebron will be part of current Ohio Senator Tim Schaffer’s 20th district.


“It seems pretty clear to me their plan is to redistrict any primary challengers to eliminate them from the race. Josef Stalin would be proud: ‘eliminate the competition’.” he said. “Our contention is, the Ohio GOP purposefully delayed revealing the new redistricting plan, until it was too late for any competing candidates to respond.”


The redistricting rules allow candidates 30 days to move from their current residence back to within the district in which they were running. Mr. Brewer said, “I just built my house two years ago. My family has lived in Hebron for many years. My kids play sports here, we’re active in the community. We’re not just going to pick up and move. That’s what a career politician does.”


Mr. Brewer was running to replace longtime politician and current Ohio Senator Jay Hottinger, who must step down at the end of his current term due to term limits. Mr. Brewer was running to oppose Al Landis, another longtime politician, who was previously a member of the Ohio House of Representatives. Mr. Landis is currently a Tuscarawas County Commissioner, who, according to Mr. Brewer, “conveniently lives in the center of the new district.”


“It’s definitely a David vs. Goliath situation,” Mr. Brewer said. “An everyday guy up against the big political machine.”

“I’ve been following politics my entire adult life,” he said. “I’ve been frustrated when I see the same politicians run unopposed, then skirt the term limits on a technicality.” Currently, Ohio Senators may serve two consecutive terms, or eight years, then must vacate their office. Ohio term limits are consecutive, not lifetime. Mr. Brewer said, “These career politicians simply switch from the Ohio House to the Senate, then hold another local or state office, then back after their term limits are up,” he said. “Our founding fathers were farmers, and business owners, or merchants. Public office was never intended to be a full-time, lifelong career.”


Mr. Brewer considers himself just an “average Joe” who wants to improve the lives of fellow Ohioans, and pass laws that reflect and support the values of the majority of citizens in his district. “Thanks to the larger cities in Ohio, we’re known as a ‘blue’ state,” he said. “But the truth is, most of our residents are fairly conservative.”


Mr. Brewer is a first-time candidate who believes Ohio and our nation is rapidly heading in the wrong direction. “It’s time to stand up and fight for what is right,” he said. “Politicians seem to have forgotten they are public servants; they work for We the People. It’s time for Patriots to take back our country from the career politicians, leftist extremists, and Republicans in Name Only (RINOs) in Columbus who have taken advantage of our complacency for too long.”


Greg graduated near the top of his class at Lakewood High School in Hebron, and earned a Bachelor of Arts in Business Finance from Otterbein University. He spent a decade after college working as a mortgage broker, and was top salesman for a major mortgage company in Ohio for several years. The mortgage market crash in 2008-09 eventually caused him to move to a different job as an underwriter, providing a steady salary but taking a great deal of time.


Eventually, Mr. Brewer decided the long hours away from his family weren’t worth it, and decided to join his brother Steven in the family business founded by their grandfather in 1961, Newark’s Dor-Mar Heating and Air Conditioning. Greg currently manages the sales department at the company. Greg is driven by his passion for improving the lives of his associates, their families, and ultimately his customers and their families. “We don’t sell for the sake of selling. I care about them,” he said.


Mr. Brewer is an avid supporter of President Donald J. Trump, and considers ‘America First’ and ‘Ohio First’ platforms as the best way to serve the constituents in the five rural Ohio counties currently included in District 31. “President Trump was the first ‘non-politician’ to hold that office in a long time. He was not influenced by big corporate donors. I hope to emulate his success, and help my fellow Ohioans.”


For more information visit BrewerForOhioSenate.com. To arrange an interview with Mr. Brewer, please contact the campaign at (888) 716-0067 or victory@brewerforohiosenate.com.


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